We all know that teachers need more prep time than they have. We can tackle that issue another day. In the meantime, making the most of your planning and prep time is key to having a stress-free day at school. If you use this time wisely, you can cut down on taking work home and have more free time outside of school hours. Here are some tips and strategies to help you maximize your planning time and create a better work-life balance.

Create a daily schedule for recurring tasks.
This strategy worked really well for me when I was teaching part-time. Each day, before I left, I had 3-5 tasks that I would complete depending on the day of the week. For example, every Friday, I would pull tasks for centers for the upcoming week, Thursdays were for grading peer tutor assignments and creating new assignments as needed, and so on.
Prioritize your to do list.
Prioritizing your to-do list is essential. Try using the Eisenhower Matrix, which categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on urgency and importance, or the ABCDE method, where you assign a priority level to each task ranging from A (most important) to E (least important). By breaking down your tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks and focusing on one task at a time, your to-do list becomes more manageable, and you stay on top of deadlines.
I find it especially helpful to start or end the day with a brain dump of everything I need to do. Then, I prioritize them based on importance and add them to my schedule. When I was in the classroom, my paper planner was my saving grace, but now that I'm on the go all day, I use Google Tasks.
Set a timer and use the Pomodoro method.
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that involves breaking your work into intervals, traditionally 20-25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. These intervals are known as "Pomodoros." By setting a timer for each Pomodoro, you create a sense of urgency and help yourself stay on track. During each Pomodoro, you focus solely on the task at hand, eliminating distractions and working with full concentration. Once the timer rings, you take a short break, typically 5 minutes, to rest and recharge. After completing four Pomodoros, you can take a longer break, usually around 15-30 minutes, before starting the cycle again.
If you are easily distracted and get off task often, using the Pomodoro method can help improve your time management skills and productivity. Make sure to choose a task to focus on during each Pomodoro, prioritize your work, and track your progress. There are a lot of apps that can help you implement the Pomodoro method effectively. This is a great system for longer tasks that you can break into smaller intervals.
Close your door.
If you're lucky enough to have a prep time during the day when no one else is in your classroom, or if you mostly prep before or after school, it's okay to close your classroom door to minimize disruptions. Closing your classroom door during prep periods can help you create an environment for productivity. This practice can also contribute to reducing stress levels as disruptions from colleagues can often turn into vent sessions.

Ask paras not to interrupt unless it's an emergency.
Establishing clear communication guidelines when working with others in your classroom is important. Asking your paras not to interrupt unless it is absolutely necessary can help maintain focus and productivity during your prep time. By setting this boundary, you create an environment where you can get stuff done, and you also build capacity in your staff by showing them that you are confident that they can handle situations on their own. Download these free signs to flip over on your desk to signal to your classroom staff (and students) that you are trying to focus.

Implementing time management strategies is a must for reducing stress, especially in the classroom. Let me know which of these strategies you try out in your daily routine!
