Hello friends! I am so glad you're here. Let me share a little bit about who is behind Miss Lulu.
My name is Laura. I am married to an amazing guy and we have one son, Evan. At my 20 week ultrasound, we learned that Evan has Spina Bifida and when I was 26 weeks pregnant, I had fetal surgery to repair his open spine. I have taught life skills (severe disabilities) for 9 years at a middle school in Utah.

I have a dual degree in elementary education and special education with a severe emphasis, and a master's degree in Special Education with a concentration in Transition from School to Adulthood. Because of my background in regular education, I have always been a very academics-driven teacher but I believe in teaching academics in a functional way. I'm all about helping teachers find the balance between academics and functional skills in the classroom. I have been selling on TpT since 2012 and I'm hooked, both as a buyer and seller. I love being able to share resources that have helped me and have been successful in my classroom. You can find me here:
Shop special education resources and classroom decor on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Let's be friends! See more about my personal life, my views on inclusion and accessibility, and my favorite things over on Instagram and Facebook. Or check out my favorite finds on Pinterest.
I hope you find some encouragement, tips, and laughs here to help you in your classroom! Feel free to reach out through email or social media anytime! Thanks for visiting!

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