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Let's chat about what to do after you've finished holding a student's annual IEP. Once the meeting is done, there are a few more steps to take to ensure that everything is wrapped up and implemented!

Colorful binders, pens, and paper clips on a white background with the text "AFTER THE IEP next steps for success."


Double Check IEP Forms & Signatures

The IEP process comes with a mountain of paperwork, so take a moment to do a final review before submitting it. Double-check that:

✔️ All required boxes are checked.

✔️ Team member signatures are on every necessary page.

This is just a compliance check—don’t change anything that was decided in the meeting.

Next, send a copy of the finalized IEP to the student's parents or guardians. I like to ask at the end of the meeting if they prefer a digital or printed copy. Make sure to include all additional reports and attachments.

Train paraprofessionals on the new IEP programs and data.

With a new IEP often comes new skills to target. Make a plan to implement new programs and train staff. You may need to adjust the student's schedule to ensure you can provide all their services and meeting service minutes. Training for the student's new programs and goals should be set up if the student works with paraprofessionals. Since the IEP takes effect immediately (unless otherwise stated), these steps should be completed ASAP!

Woman writing on a clipboard at a cluttered desk with colorful folders and stationery. She wears a polka dot blouse. Office setting.

Make a plan for progress monitoring.

IEP goals mean new data sheets! I prefer to create the data sheets as I write the IEP, but if you have not done this step yet, ensure that you have data sheets created and ready to go for the student's new IEP goals.

In addition, you'll need to have a schedule for progress monitoring.

When is the student working on new IEP goals?

How frequently are you taking data?

When there are changes to the routines that have been in place previously, it's especially important to plan ahead so you don't get ready to write a progress report and realize that you still haven't implemented a new IEP goal.

Laptop with a spreadsheet displaying a line graph of IEP progress on the screen, beside a white elephant-shaped plant pot. Bright, clean, minimal setting.

Follow up with the IEP team.

It never hurts to send a quick note to parents with a copy of the new IEP, thanking them for their involvement and input in their child's education. In addition, provide an updated IEP at a Glance to the student's general education teacher(s) and related service providers.

Set up a scheduled email for 3-4 weeks post-IEP meeting with the IEP team asking for any input, concerns, or suggestions with new IEP goals and services. You could do this again every few months to get continual input throughout the school year.

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard, close-up. Soft lighting creates a focused, productive mood. Black keys contrast with a light background.

Stay Organized & Prepared!

Building a strong post-IEP routine helps ensure students receive the support they need throughout the year. Grab your free IEP Prep Checklist in the resource library to keep everything on track!

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